Cha cha is another girl from Lucy and Konner’s litter. CHA CHA lives in Armonk, NY with Richard and Ellen. While they were traveling around the world CHA CHA stayed with Susan and whelped a litter of 8! puppies. She took to motherhood like the real champ that she is. In February when Richard and Ellen came home she went back to take care of them.Susan really misses her and looks forward to her next litter later this year.
Best of Breed winning GCH Suzu & Shannon’s Cha-Cha-Cha Bred to GCHB Stardust’s Don’t Stop Believe’n JH (Nova) Puppies in the website are from this litter welled on Dec 27, 2017.
Cha-Cha’s Mom Ellen enjoying the puppies after she returns from her trip around the world.

CH Suzu N Shannon’s Cha-Cha-Cha
My pretty Cha-cha (CH Suzu N Shannon’s Cha-Cha-Cha) lives with her owners Ellen and Richard Cole in Armonk. While they are enjoying a Winter in sunny Florida, Cha-cha is staying with me at Camp Suzu. In her first weekend out in the ring again, She earned her first 5 pts towards her GCH including her first major 3pt win. Cha-cha is filling in until Wallis comes home. The goal is to get her GCH and then to breed her later in the year. Ellen and Richard are coming home in March and she will go back to live with them. Oh my will I miss her! Come home often my pretty girl!