CH Deep End`s Hazel Mogyi JH CGC ROM
RIP sweet Grandma “Hazel”.6/2002 – 1/2015run happy, run free my sweetheart and my foundation bitch. She was docile, yet eager to run around Central Park’s Great Lawn or the fields of North Salem, NY. She avidly hunted the squirrels that foolishly wandered into the yard,At home she loved to cuddle on the couch or sleep in my bed. I never had cleaner toes as she captured them nightly.Her head rarely popped out from under the covers much before 10am. Hazel won her show Championship on August 1, 2004, her Junior Hunter in that December,and was awarded her Canine Good Citizenship the previous year. Hazel has also earned her Therapy and Service Dog Certifications andhad the privilege of adding an ROM (Registry of Merit) to the end of her name. In her youth she really enjoys her weekly visits to near-by rehab center.During her brief show career, she took multiple Best of Breeds and as a veteran she loved to show off in ring when she has the chance. I miss my Hazel and miss her loving care.RIP. CH Deep End’s Hazel Mogyi JH CGC